Enhancing the Aesthetics of 3D Shapes
via Reference-based Editing

SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal track)

Minchan Chen      Manfred Lau#

City University of Hong Kong

# corresponding author


While there have been previous works that explored methods to enhance the aesthetics of images, the automated beautification of 3D shapes has been limited to specific shapes such as 3D face models. In this paper, we introduce a framework to automatically enhance the aesthetics of general 3D shapes. Our approach employs a reference-based beautification strategy. We first performed data collection to gather the aesthetics ratings of various 3D shapes to create a 3D shape aesthetics dataset. Then we perform reference-based editing to edit the input shape and beautify it by making it look more like some reference shape that is aesthetic. Specifically, we propose a reference-guided global deformation framework to coherently deform the input shape such that its structural proportions will be closer to those of the reference shape. We then optionally transplant some local aesthetic parts from the reference to the input to obtain the beautified output shapes. Comparisons show that our reference-guided 3D deformation algorithm outperforms existing techniques. Furthermore, quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that the performance of our aesthetics enhancement framework is consistent with both human perception and existing 3D shape aesthetics assessment.



Paper [PDF]

Code [Github]


Minchan Chen and Manfred Lau. 2024. Enhancing the Aesthetics of 3D Shapes via Reference-based Editing. ACM Trans. Graph. 43, 6, Article 279 (December 2024)


We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments. This work was supported in part by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR, China (CityU 11206319 and 11205420), and in part by the Chow Sang Sang Group Research Fund/Donation.